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Champions Week 2023 Preview!

Summer Camp

Robbie Conley Posted by: Robbie Conley 2 years ago

Every year, as summer comes to a close, we celebrate with one of the most anticipated weeks of summer known as Champions Week. It is the MOST EPIC AND FUN week of the summer for campers and counselors alike! During this week, campers will compete to become a Canaan legend by placing their winning bandana on the renowned Champions Week stick! The ideal Champions Week camper is a returning camper who has already experienced a normal week of camp at Canaan. During this session, we have Junior Day Camp, Senior Day Camp, Co-ed Resident Camp, and our CIT Sessions running at full-capacity. 

Champions Week is full of intense, friendly competition. Most activities are team-based; Senior Day and Resident Camps are grouped together into ten teams, and Junior Day Camp is separated into four teams. Due to the nature of balancing teams evenly for healthy competition, we do not accept friend requests for this week. Campers find out their teammates and team color when Champions Week begins on Monday of Session 9. With the many games and activities included in this week, there is a high volume level. We are playing a lot of loud music, explaining rules with megaphones, and teams are chanting and cheering each other on. If your child is sensitive to loud noises, consider signing them up for a different session of camp. During Champions week, we pack each day with awesome sports and competitive games! Due to this altered schedule, we offer limited adventure activities, but ensure that every camper gets to do at least one, if not more, high adventure activity. Champions week is a heightened version of sports, cheers, games, team activities, and everything that makes camp awesome! 

We try to keep most plans for Champions Week top secret; below you will find a basic outline of the schedule:

  • Monday – Teams will meet their counselors and perform their team chants; we will also begin sports rotations.
  • Tuesday – Campers will gain extra points for wearing their team color, and sports rotations will be continued.
  • Wednesday – We will finish sports rotations and play some large group games.
  • Thursday – Everything is food-themed, wear old clothes that you are okay to throw away after today!
  • Friday – Finish the week with large group games such as counselor hide-and-seek and the Great Grundy Race!

If your camper loves Canaan, sports, and is a competitive team player, then sign them up for Champions Week, session 9!

A large group of campers enjoy a spray of water from a hose held by a counselor on the sports field during summer camp. A soccer goal is in the background.
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