Polar Plunge

Take the Plunge on February 4th!

Canaan is super excited to announce the second annual Polar Plunge!

Join us on February 4th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. This event is a Family Fundraiser to help provide funds for some amazing new activities for Summer 2024. This year, we are looking to raise funds to improve our High Ropes Course, a Climbing Wall Auto Belay, Craft Area, a Water Bottle Filling Station, and finally, Bazooka Ball! 

Along the way to reaching each fundraising goal will be donation levels, where if met, a Canaan Counselor or Full-Time staff member will take the Plunge into Lake Canaan!

To attend, it is only $25 per person or $100 for a family of 4 or more. At the event, attendees will be able to watch the staff members take the plunge, enjoy food/beverages, listen to live music, and even have the opportunity to take the plunge themselves!

All funds need to be submitted to Camp Canaan by February 1st.

Level 1: New High ropes Course Element!

If we raise $1,000, we’ll upgrade our High Ropes Course with a new adventure element.



Level 2: Catawba tower auto belay!

If we raise $5,000, we’ll add a new Auto Belay to the climbing wall. This will allow for more climbers to climb at a time!


Level 3: Outdoor craft area!

If we raise $10,000, We’ll construct an outdoor craft area for summer camp 2024!



Level 4: water bottle filling station!

If we raise $15,000, We’ll install a water bottle filling station at the Multi-Purpose Building!

Level 5: bazooka ball!

If we raise $20,000, We’ll build a Bazooka Ball Field as well as purchase the Bazooka Ball equipment for Summer 2024!

Polar Plunge FAQ

By plunge, you’ll be able to jump off of the Jump Platform or wade in.
If you’re taking the plunge, we require all participants to bring a towel/robe and a change of clothes. We will have facilities to allow you to change clothes at the event.
If a donation level is met that corresponds to a staff member jumping, we will do our best to have that staff member attend the event. If they can’t attend the event, we will record their jump into the lake on a date they can attend.
No, the decision is solely yours, and we encourage guests to make the best judgment for themselves.
All funds raised need to be reported by Feb 1, 2024.
We will be offering hot dogs and snacks like chips, pretzels etc…. Feel free to bring your own food as well!