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Robbie Conley Posted by: Robbie Conley 3 years ago


MAY 23, 2020

2020 Summer Camp Program Final Update:

MAY 16, 2020

We here at Canaan are SO excited for Summer Camp 2020! Below you’ll find some links to helpful information for Summer Camp 2020. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us at 803-327-6932 or email us at

APRIL 25, 2020

I cannot remember the last time we had a more beautiful spring. The weather has been spectacular. Being confined to a “shelter at home” order has made it so difficult, with spring sports put on hold and the parks and beaches closed.

Recent announcements that NC, SC, and Georgia will begin to gradually ease the restrictions has created excitement at Canaan, and we are becoming increasingly confident that Camp will begin on schedule in June. Worst case scenario is a possible delay, but we foresee a great Camp season whenever we get started.

For those families who are on a monthly auto-draft payment plan, we will process the automatic drafts for the month of May as planned on Tuesday, May 5. We still have not processed the drafts for April; if you had an April draft, it will essentially become your July 7 draft. If you have any questions or concerns you can let us know, but we will continue to keep you informed throughout the month of May. We expect to make a final decision by May 15 about when to begin Camp. As soon as we do, you will receive another message from us.

During this time, we are creating special procedures as to how we will operate camp with the ultimate safety of your children in mind. At a minimum the procedures will address the following:

  • A process to check the camper’s temperature upon arrival at camp, and to check it periodically throughout the week.
  • Procedures for hand washing regularly to include the installation of hand washing stations around the island.
  • Special procedures for cleaning and disinfecting surfaces.
  • Special programming of events and activities that promote distancing of the children.

With our email message in mid-May we will include an outline of these policies and procedures. We hope to follow that with a video to show our safety and protection procedures.

All of us at Camp Canaan are very thankful for your confidence and support. We believe that sunshine, fresh air and exercise are some of the best medicines for the body, the mind and the spirit…..and we cannot wait to get Camp started.

May God richly bless your family.

Matt Harper
Executive Director

MARCH 28, 2020 

Dear Camp Families:

We are living in unusual and very trying times.   But the scriptures tell us “the righteous shall live by faith” (Romans 1:17). That is where we are as I write to you this afternoon.  We have faith that God will rule and overrule over this virus and the fear it has created.  We are anticipating that come June 1 we will begin another exciting season at Canaan.  Clearly the children need some outside activity and parents need a break.

On the island, we are making the necessary preparation of the counselors and the facilities so we’ll be ready to go when the time comes.  That may be June 1 or it could happen later.  Whatever the case, we’ll be ready.

We promise to communicate with you on a regular basis until the camp season begins.  For more information, please visit our website at; or if you have questions you may call us at 803-327-6932.  Be sure to tell your campers that we miss them and can’t wait to have them back on the island!

Praying for Peace and Wisdom-

Matt Harper
Executive Director

MARCH 19, 2020 

Dear Camp Families,

I am writing to communicate on behalf of the Camp Canaan Board of Directors and Staff concerning COVID-19.  Due to the fluidity of the current situation, we will make the necessary changes to our summer schedule as we receive information and mandates from our national and local authorities.

As of now, there are no changes to our Summer Camp 2020 schedule. We plan to run our programs to the high standard that we always have.  We continue to diligently work hard and plan an amazing summer for our campers.  As the warm weather approaches, join us in praying that this will help eradicate the spread of this virus – and that it will not be an issue for us this summer.  We strive as always to serve our camp families to the highest standard in all areas, and this includes the health and wellness and safety of our campers.  We will closely monitor the information the CDC issues, and we will make the necessary changes to our safety protocols to stay in compliance.

We seek wisdom and comfort from God, above all else, in times of trouble, need, sickness, and worry.  Times like these tend to produce fear. Our approach is to stay calm, trust in the Lord, and see what develops over the coming weeks and months.  If our summer schedule needs to be majorly altered, we will send out additional information on how we will move forward regarding schedule, payments, refunds, etc.  You can expect to hear updates from us every two to three weeks as we get a clearer understanding of what is to come.

We wholeheartedly pray that we will be able to move forward with our summer camp schedule.  After a time of quarantine, families and campers will need nothing more than to get outside and play and interact with other kids and return to some sort norm.  Camp plays such a vital role in the development of your children and we strive to serve you in that capacity this summer.

Praying for Peace and Wisdom,

Matt Harper
Executive Director

Isaiah 41:10-  Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

A large group of campers enjoy a spray of water from a hose held by a counselor on the sports field during summer camp. A soccer goal is in the background.
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